
The A-Bike Electric: a compact, stress-free ride

Folding bikes are gaining popularity among cyclists who enjoy the biking lifestyle, but prefer to avoid having to park and lock their bikes or haul them awkwardly on a crowded train during long-distance trips.

Electric bikes, meanwhile, are great for those who would rather not work up a sweat en route to an important job interview.

A new British innovation combines the advantages of both electric and folding bikes in a single sleek model.

Electrifying the A-Bike

A-Bike, a British-based company, made waves in the world of cycling in 2006. Working with the ideas of inventor Sir Clive Sinclair, the team created a folding bicycle so light, compact and easy to use that it was featured in London’s Design Museum.

Now, that same model is to be made electric. The team hopes that by adding the potential for speed without the need for physical labour, it can further the original A-Bike mission of changing the way people view cycling.

A speedy ride with minimum hassle

The A-Bike electric can be ridden as a conventional bicycle, or with the power setting on.

When hooked up to its electricity supply, the bike will take over after you begin peddling. Through the use of sensors, it knows to supply more power when it is being ridden uphill.

The bike’s battery lasts for 25 km, and can be easily taken off for recharging while you work, sleep or socialise. An indicator on the battery pack lets you know how much power is left.

Folding the bike takes fewer than 10 seconds. The A-Bike Electric can be compacted down to a size convenient for carrying on the bus or stowing under a restaurant table. Thanks to lightweight but durable materials, transporting the folded frame is easy on the arms.

The bike also features an encased chain (which means you can carry it without getting your clothes dirty) and a quick-release adjustable seat clamp.

A-Bike Kickstarter campaign

The team behind A-Bike Electric has taken the project to Kickstarter, and is far exceeding its pledge goal. Initial product testing has met with rave reviews.

The bikes are scheduled to hit the streets in October, 2015.

Emily McCallum


Emily McCallum

Emily grew up in a small coastal town in western Canada and moved to Utrecht in 2014, after completing her studies in Vancouver and Germany. So far, she has been...

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