
March could be the coldest in 25 years

The average temperature for this March is being estimated at 3 degrees Celsius by the weather institute Meteo Consult, making it the coldest in the Netherlands since 1987.

Coldest in a quarter of a century

The most recent March in which temperatures were similarly low was in 1996, when the average was 3,2 degrees Celsius. It is unlikely, however, that temperatures will drop to the levels of March 1987 when the average was at 2,3 degrees Celsius, but it is still unusually cold for this time of year.

Low temperatures until Easter

The forecast for the coming days remains cold, with daytime temperatures expected to be around freezing, meaning there may be frost during the night.

The low temperatures will be compounded by a strong easterly wind which will mean that the real feel will drop to between 10 to 15 degrees below freezing, during the early hours of the morning.

Mercifully, temperatures are expected to pick up as we approach Easter.

Source: Meteo Consult

Mark McDaid


Mark McDaid

Mark hails from the Emerald Isle but has been living in the land of cheese and deep-fried-indiscriminate-meat since February 2009. He can often be found trying to read through a...

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