
Research Master's programmes in the Netherlands rated as world class

Dutch Research Master's programmes have scored highly on an international level for quality and pass rates, according to a report by the NVAO.

The flagship programmes were only introduced in the Netherlands in 2003, but they are already competing against similar programmes in top universities worldwide. 

Many of the theses completed in the programmes end up as articles in leading academic journals, and the alumni achieve exceptionally high average grades.

In addition, the drop-out rate is very low, and student satisfaction and lecturer quality is rated as exceedingly good. More than 50 percent of Research Master’s students enter PhD programmes at elite U.S and U.K universities.

The report argues that the accomplishments of research master’s programmes are generated by a combination of challenging study, highly qualified lecturers, and talented and motivated students. This results in a competitive, yet complementary learning community.

About NVAO
NVAO (Nederlands-Vlaamse Accreditatieorganisatie) is the Accreditation Organisation of the Netherlands and Flanders. The organisation was established by international treaty and it ensures the quality of higher education in the Netherlands and Flanders.

 For more info and stats download the Peaks in Sight - Research Master Review 2011

James Shaw


James Shaw

James is an assistant editor at IamExpat, and is the newest member of the team. Interests include travelling, parties, and his beloved Manchester United. From Manchester, UK, but now living...

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