
Veni grant for 19 young researchers at UvA and AMC

The Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO) has awarded nineteen young scientists, who have recently obtained a Doctorate, a Veni grant for research at the University of Amsterdam (UvA) and the Academic Medical Center (AMC-UvA).

Each researcher will receive 250.000 euros, with which he / she can do three years of research.

In total, 161 researchers received Veni grants in this grants round. A total of 982 researchers submitted a research proposal to the NOW this year. 

The 161 winners were selected for their exceptional and original talent for conducting scientific research.

The Veni grant is one of the three types of grant from the Innovational Research Incentives Scheme. The other two grants are the Vidi subsidy (for experienced postdoctoral researchers) and Vici subsidy (for experienced researchers).

Source: University of Amsterdam



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