July 2024: 12 things expats in the Netherlands need to know
As we enter the second half of the year, the month of July comes with many important changes in the Netherlands. From minimum wage changes to a new Dutch government, here are 12 important things expats living in the Netherlands should expect in July 2024.
1. Dutch minimum wage increases
From July 1, 2024, the Dutch minimum wage will see the following increases (gross, in euros per hour):
Age (years) | Minimum wage (as of January, 2024) | Minimum wage (as of July, 2024) |
21+ | 13,27 | 13,68 |
20 | 10,62 | 10,94 |
19 | 7,96 | 8,21 |
18 | 6,64 | 6,84 |
17 | 5,24 | 5,40 |
16 | 4,58 | 4,72 |
15 | 3,98 | 4,10 |
The higher minimum wage will also have knock-on effects on benefits and allowances in the Netherlands. This means that, as of July 1, the rates for the following benefits will increase:
- Participatiewet (social assistance benefit, income supplement)
- IOAW and IOAZ (benefits for the unemployed elderly)
- WIA, WAO, Wajong, and ZW (disability and sickness benefits)
- WW (unemployment benefits)
- Toeslagenwet (covers WW, WIA, WAO, Wajong and ZW allowances)
- AOW (state pension)
- Anw (survivor’s benefits)
2. Dutch childcare benefits to rise
Families with children up to the age of 17 in the Netherlands who are eligible for the child benefit (kinderbijslag) will receive the benefit for the second quarter on July 1, 2024. The child benefit will also increase from July 1, but recipients will only get the new amount for the first time in the third quarter, at the beginning of October 2024.
The Dutch child benefit will see the following increases from July 1, 2024 (in euros):
Age of child (years) | Child benefit payment from July 1 | Child benefit payment from October 1 |
0-5 | 279,49 | 281,69 |
6-11 | 339,38 | 342,05 |
12-17 | 399,27 | 402,41 |
You can find more information about the child benefit increase on the Dutch Social Insurance Bank (SVB) website.
3. Affordable Rent Act in the Netherlands comes into effect
The new rent regulation law that was passed by the Dutch Senate at the end of June will come into effect from July 1, 2024. This will see rent prices being capped for any new rental contracts signed on or after the date.
Another change that comes with the Affordable Rent Act is that two-year rental contracts are no longer allowed, which means that all rental contracts should now be made permanent.
4. New Dutch cabinet being sworn in
The new Dutch government has been formed with Dick Schoof set to be the next Prime Minister. On July 2, the new cabinet will be sworn in and a debate on the governing statement detailing the cabinet’s plans is expected in the same week.
5. Tobacco products can no longer be sold in Dutch supermarkets
From July 1, the sale of tobacco products and vapes (e-cigarettes) will be banned from Dutch supermarkets as part of the government’s plans to restrict cigarette sales to tobacconists from 2032. This means that 6.400 supermarkets in the Netherlands will no longer sell cigarettes and other tobacco products. However, tobacco shops can remain open without licences.
6. Changes to regulations for Dutch childcare organisations
Organisations for childcare and daycare in the Netherlands will see regulation changes from July 1, 2024. Measures aimed at reducing heavy workloads caused by staff shortages in daycares and out-of-school care facilities will allow daycare centres to include trainee staff in their “familiar faces” lists. This criterion is a requirement for childcare facilities to ensure that each day, each child has at least one childcarer in their group that is known to them.
7. New list of animals allowed as pets in the Netherlands
Animal welfare legislation set out by the Dutch government has included a new list of 30 animals that are allowed to be kept as pets, sold or bred in the Netherlands. This new list will replace an earlier list called the positieflijst and will come into effect on July 1. Anyone who has an animal as a pet that is not on the new list may keep the animal for the remainder of its life but is not allowed to breed or sell them. The new pet and hobby list can be found on the website of the Dutch Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality (in Dutch).
8. Bottle caps must stay attached to plastic drink bottles
A new rule for beverage manufacturers in the Netherlands states that from July 3, caps must be attached to single-use plastic bottles and beverage containers. This is to reduce litter and improve recycling rates of disposable bottles, as Statiegeld deposits worth millions weren’t returned in previous years.
9. Rotterdam’s new surfing centre opens
The new surf centre in Rotterdam is set to open in July a whole ten years later than originally planned. Located in a prime spot in Rotterdam, next to the Foodhallen, the surfer’s paradise called Rif010 will have its official opening on July 6, just in time for the school holidays!
10. Dutch schools close for the summer holidays
Schools in the Netherlands will close their doors for the summer holidays in July. While the dates will be staggered between the three regions (North, Central and South), this year all children will be free from school from July before returning to classes in either August or September.
Schools in the North region will be closed from July 20 to September 1, schools in the Central region will be closed from July 13 to August 25, and schools in the South region will be closed from July 6 to August 18.
11. Free public transport for children in Amsterdam
From July 20, 2024 to January 5, 2025, public transport in Amsterdam will be free for children aged four to 11 years old. The free public transport subscription for the Dutch capital will be applied to a personalised OV-Chipkaart of which each child should have their own. Parents and guardians can start applying for free travel for their little ones from July 1.
12. Amsterdam Pride and other events
The internationally renowned Amsterdam Pride returns to the Dutch capital for the 27th time this July! From July 27 - August 4, the Dutch city will be filled with parties, films, exhibitions, debates and other activities to celebrate diversity and acceptance in the Netherlands.
Some other events and festivals happening in July include the important Keti Koti Festival, Edam Cheese Market, Zeeldenfestival and Paarspop.
Thumb image credit: Anjo Kan / Shutterstock.com
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