Superposition theatre play on tour in the Netherlands

Superposition theatre play on tour in the Netherlands

Nov 04, 2023Dec 23, 2023
Various theatres
Almere, Den Bosch, Tilburg, Amsterdam, Haarlem, Zwolle, Rotterdam, The Hague, Utrecht, Amersfoort
19,50 euros

Fancy a night out at the theatre? Well, look no further, because Superposition, a production by the Dutch theatre group Toneelschuur Producties, is showing at theatres all around the Netherlands.

Get your tickets online in advance and get ready for an idealistic play about explaining cultural differences through mathematics. The performance is surtitled in English, Japanese and Dutch.

About the play toneelschuur-superpositions-ita.jpg

Looking at it all objectively, if we take a numerical approach, will we discover that we are all the same? Or will we find out that all differences between people and cultures lie much deeper than we think?

An inter­na­ti­onal team of Dutch and Japanese top mathe­ma­ti­cians is close to discovering a model that explains cultural differences. Their clashes and misun­der­stan­dings provide the best argument that their formulas are much needed. Both in bright fluorescent light and under disco lights, these four fearless mathe­ma­ti­cians enter the minefield of cultural misunderstanding.

Super­po­si­tion is an idealistic show as well as an absurd mathe­ma­tical equation: the simi­la­ri­ties and differences between the Netherlands and Japan, between probability and geometry, between man and woman and between newness and tradition are contrasted. A performance about wanting to get through to each other and trying to understand the true inner being of humans, albeit via a giant detour.

Performances of Superposition in the Netherlands

Here are the different venues in which the play Superposition is taking place during its tour of the Netherlands:

  • Haarlem, Schuur, November 4-11, 8pm
  • Tilburg, De Nieuwe Vorst, November 15-16, 8.30pm
  • Leiden, Theater Ins Blau, November 17-18, 8.30pm
  • Amsterdam, Frascati, November 21-23, 8.30pm
  • Almere, Corrosia, November 25, 8.30pm
  • Almere, Corrosia, November 26, 4pm
  • Amstelveen, Schouwburg, November 28, 8.30pm
  • Utrecht, Theater Kikker, November 29-30, 8.15pm
  • Amersfoort, De Lieve Vrouw, December 1-2, 8.30pm
  • The Hague, Theatre aan het Spui, December 6-7, 8.15pm
  • Den Bosch, Verkadefabriek, December 8-9, 8.15pm
  • Zwolle, Zwolse Theater, December 13-14, 8.30pm
  • Haarlem, Schuur, December 15-16, 8pm
  • Haarlem, Schuur, December 17, 4pm
  • Rotterdam, Theater, December 21-22, 8.15pm
  • Gouda, Goudse Schouwburg, December 23, 8.30pm

Get your tickets

Get your tickets online in advance and get ready for a night out at a theatre near you! Check out the Toneelschuur Producties website for more information.