
Mapping Amsterdam: the city's statistics in maps

A collection of around 90 interactive maps reveal diverse information about Amsterdam, ranging from property value per square metre to public barbeque spots and the city’s sport facilities.

Mapping specialist Klaas-Bindert de Haan started the archive with the City of Amsterdam. Most of the maps are created internally, and have an interactive element - whether this is an adaptable key allowing the user to filter according to their interests, or animated maps that show information changing over time.

You can find maps of Amsterdam’s historical development, current waste disposal points, solar panels and locations for religious gatherings as well as maps showing Airbnb property values.

As a helpful extra, the online collection offers a "Grab-a-Map" tool where you can grab up to three maps and create your own overlays.There is also an "Open Data" resource which allows students, researchers and software developers to access datasets.

De Haan sees this as an ongoing project with the municipality and is keen on creating a map showing which neighbourhoods people are moving into and out of as a future addition

All images courtesy of City of Amsterdam

Parvinder Marwaha


Parvinder Marwaha

British-born editor Parvinder studied architecture in the UK. Amsterdam’s architecture and design scene led her to the city, as well the obvious perks of canal-side living. She writes for various...

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