- WestHolland Foreign Investment Agency in The Hague changes its name
- Prison turned hotel helps refugees integrate into Dutch society
- More millionaires in the Netherlands
- Tourist tax set to increase in Amsterdam
- Primary schools in the Netherlands plan to go on strike
- Could this Dutch ice cream be the tastiest in the world?
- Dutch islands ravaged by Hurricane Irma
- Hidden cameras in Dutch advertisement billboards at NS train stations can see you
- Banned: Unhealthy advertisements aimed at kids in the metro in the Netherlands
- More Civic Integration tests for migrants who want to stay in the Netherlands
- Private investors in the Netherlands are getting their hands on houses suitable for expats and students
- Two of the world’s best museums right here in the Netherlands
- The euro is speeding ahead of the US dollar in value race
- Busy trains expected in the Netherlands
- 86 litres of soft drink consumed per year by average person in the Netherlands
- Smartphones for children from low-income families in the Netherlands
- More than half of the Dutch population is not exercising enough
- Growing tourism in the Netherlands, growing importance to the Dutch economy
- Bazooka California Folding Beach Cruiser - saves space, dirty hands and maintenance costs
- Biggest increase in employment in the Netherlands since 2008
- Dutch universities in the top 100 of the Shanghai Ranking
- Dutch government rakes in more than 25 billion in environmental tax
- Subsidy for homeowners in Amsterdam who quit gas
- Permission to build the tallest tower in the Netherlands
- Dutch library introduces new delivery service
- More than half of the employees in the Netherlands commute to work
- World’s first car made from plants
- Dutch rental prices rocket
- Enormous bicycle storage facility opens in Utrecht