
Tesla Cybertrucks are coming to the Netherlands

Tesla Cybertrucks are coming to the Netherlands

Europe is set to catch its first glimpse of the Tesla Cybertruck as the company stages an "odyssey" across the continent this summer. The cars will be on show in Eindhoven on June 25 and 26, The Hague on June 28 and 29, in Amsterdam from July 1 to 4 and in Utrecht on July 5 and 6. At the same time, the car dealership Next Exclusives in Limmen is claiming to be the first and only in Europe to offer the Cybertruck for sale, at a whopping cost of 359.950 euros.

New Tesla Cybertruck for sale in Limmen with a hefty price tag

The cars, which are already on sale in the United States, have not yet gone on sale in Europe. In the US, the vehicles cost around 75.000 euros, compared to the huge 356.950 euros that the truck is expected to sell for at Next Exclusives, a third-party dealership in Limmen, North Holland. 

According to Next Exclusives, the Tesla on offer is the first Tesla Cybertruck All-wheel Drive Foundation Series to be offered for sale throughout Europe. They expect the car to be sold while still on display. Despite the hefty price tag, the car is not able to be used on public roads in the Netherlands yet, and further delivery dates for the car have not yet been announced outside the US at this time.

Truck cannot yet be used on public roads in the Netherlands

Though the first Cybertruck to be put up for sale in Europe is landing in the Netherlands later this month, the first test drive of a Cybertruck in Europe was undertaken by Prince Albert of Monaco, who recently took a Cybertruck for a spin around his home country. The truck is the first one of its kind to take to the roads in Europe. 

Those hoping to catch a glimpse of the vehicle can follow the official Tesla Cyber Oddysey tour, and can view the car in Eindhoven on June 25 and 26, The Hague on June 28 and 29, in Amsterdam from July 1 to 4 and in Utrecht on July 5 and 6.

Thumb image credit: wedmoments.stock /



Emily Proctor

Former Editor at IamExpat Media.

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