
RoboCup: Dutch team wins robot soccer world championship

RoboCup: Dutch team wins robot soccer world championship

A robot soccer team from Eindhoven, Tech United, have become the robot soccer world champions for the eighth time, after competing in the 2024 RoboCup held in the Netherlands.  

Dutch robot soccer team wins against China

In the final, the Dutch team from the Eindhoven University of Technology (TUe) won 6-1 against BigHeroX, a team from the Chinese Hunan University. This was the eighth win for Tech United in the medium-sized robot league (MSL). 

According to TUe, it was “a tough match with yellow cards back and forth”. Van Perslucht and Robodinho were the Tech United players that secured the Eindhoven team the win, scoring several goals during the match. 

Check out the full match here: 

Video: YouTube / RoboCup Live

Eindhoven University of Technology hosts RoboCup 2024

RoboCup is an international festival that takes place over five days and focuses on promoting robotics and artificial intelligence. In 2024, the technical university in Eindhoven hosted the annual festival.

Apart from robot soccer, there are also competitions in categories such as Rescue, Industrial, @Home and Junior. Robotic systems compete by performing a variety of tasks in different situations such as in disaster areas, work-related scenarios, household assistance and more. 

The RoboCup Soccer league wants to improve their robot technology by learning from each team that competes, with the ultimate goal of being able to win a match against human football world champions.

Thumb image credit: RoboCup / Bart van Overbeeke

Simone Jacobs


Simone Jacobs

Editor for the Netherlands at IamExpat Media. Simone studied Genetics and Zoology at the Univeristy of Pretoria in South Africa before moving to the Netherlands, where she has been working...

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