
Gay penguin couple steal egg at Amersfoort zoo

Gay penguin couple steal egg at Amersfoort zoo

Two homosexual male penguins at DierenPark Amersfoort wanted to be parents so badly that they decided to steal an egg from a straight couple of penguins when they weren’t looking. The gay penguins are now taking it in turns to incubate the egg until it hatches.

Looking after the penguin egg

According to one of the animal caretakers, Marc Belt, “The gay penguin couple are taking good care of the egg, taking it in turns to incubate it”. Belt explains that “Homosexuality is more common in penguins, but it is remarkable that this couple has managed to get an egg.”

But what about the penguins who laid the egg? Are they not suffering from empty nest syndrome? Luckily, these penguins have laid another egg and are busy hatching it in another nest.

Penguin chicks hatching

The first penguin chick has been spotted at DierenPark Amserfoort, so now it is only a matter of waiting for the others to hatch. “Amongst the new chicks we hope, of course, to welcome one from the gay penguin couple, we’ll wait and see”.

Mina Solanki


Mina Solanki

Completed her Master's degree at the University of Groningen and worked as a translator before joining IamExpat. She loves to read and has a particular interest in Greek mythology. In...

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