
Favourite Dutch dinners: Pasta dethrones potatoes, meat and veg

Favourite Dutch dinners: Pasta dethrones potatoes, meat and veg

When it comes to Dutch dinners, you would expect the traditional AVG’tje (potatoes-meat-vegetables) to be the most common meal. However, after looking at the eating habits of people in the Netherlands, de Volkskrant has revealed that while a stamppot with some meat on the side is still on many dinner tables, pasta dishes are the new favourites.

Pasta most popular meal in the Netherlands

After analysing 29.000 meals of 5.000 study participants, de Volkskrant has put together a list of the most popular dishes served for dinner in the Netherlands. With the wide variety of different meals that people can cook, the newspaper divided the dishes into main groups such as pasta and rice-based.

While the staple AVG’tje, a traditional Dutch dish which includes potatoes, meat and vegetables, remains as popular as ever, they are no longer the favourite foods - pasta dishes are the new go-to. From spaghetti and macaroni to penne and conchiglioni, pasta of all shapes and sizes appear in evening meals. The favourite sauce for pasta dishes is bolognese, followed by mushrooms. Lasagne is also a top pick.

Potatoes, meat and veg still common choice for Dutch dinners

Following pasta in the list is the AVG. With this dish, the most often used vegetable is broccoli and for the “meat” portion this is chicken. However, meat substitutes are also being used more frequently. 

What’s great about the AVG’tje, and probably why so many people in the Netherlands have it for dinner, is that there is a large variety of combinations you can choose and the research by de Volkskrant proves it. From the simple boiled potatoes, tartaartje (similar to a beef patty, served cooked or raw) and cauliflower to the more luxurious potato gratin, rabbit with cranberries and sprouts, many enjoyed the Dutch staple.

Substituting potatoes for rice is also becoming more popular as rice-based meals take third position. Apart from a rice, meat and vegetable dish, one-pot meals such as risotto and paella were also enjoyed often. 

Top 10 favourite Dutch meals

According to de Volkskrant, these dish categories are the favourites among families in the Netherlands:

  1. Pasta
  2. AVG’tje
  3. Rice-based meal
  4. Soup
  5. Stamppot
  6. Curry
  7. French fries
  8. Pizza
  9. Noodles
  10. Bread-based meal
Simone Jacobs


Simone Jacobs

Editor for the Netherlands at IamExpat Media. Simone studied Genetics and Zoology at the University of Pretoria in South Africa before moving to the Netherlands, where she has been working...

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