Dutch students attempt to bake longest frikandelbroodje in the world
A group of high school students in the Dutch city of Nijmegen have attempted to make the longest frikandelbroodje in the world. While it may not be official, the five-metre-long version of the traditional Dutch snack is pretty impressive.
Five-metre long frikandelbroodje made in Dutch city
Stedelijk Gymnasium Nijmegen students conquered the task they set out to complete by making and baking a frikandelbroodje at least five metres long. It was not an official entry into the Guinness Book of World Records, but it is the longest-known version in the Netherlands, and perhaps the world.
You may be wondering: how does one go about making a five-metre-long baked food? On a long outdoor table, the high school students folded puff pastry over a line of several frikandellen - deep-fried, skinless sausages - and slowly slid the snack under the grill of a pizzarette, baking it 30 centimetres at a time.
Video: YouTube / Frikandelbroodje De Game
Students create mobile game based on Dutch snack
When asked why the students chose to take on the frikandelbroodje in particular, they responded, “It's the ultimate high school snack, of course, and we're high school students.” The attempt is also to do with a game the students created for mobile phones: Frikandelbroodje De Game.
"It's a game and has almost 10.000 downloads in total," one of the creators Mark told Omroep Gelderland. "You have to catch frikandelbroodjes and you can unlock new sandwiches and nets. We put a lot of time into it and made a lot of crazy videos and challenges about it on YouTube and TikTok.'' In a previous campaign, the students gave away 100 frikandelbroodjes, but wanted to top it this time with the longest frikandelbroodje in the world.
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