- Win 3 copies of 'The Dutch & Their Bikes' by Shirley Agudo!
- Win five double tickets to the 2014 Tong Tong Fair!
- Win a Dutch language course at UvA Talen
- Win an intensive Dutch beginners course at Direct Dutch
- Win four double tickets to '4 Seasons' in Amsterdam and Rotterdam!
- Win double tickets to Shen Yun Classical Chinese Dance Performance!
- Win two double tickets to Motel Mozaïque in Rotterdam!
- Win 4 copies of 'The Shallow Man Guide to Dating the Dutch' by Simon Woolcot
- Win six double tickets to screenings of ballet and opera performances presented by Pathé!
- Win a Dutch or English language course at Kickstart School
- Win three double tickets to Movies that Matter Film Festival!
- Win three double tickets to Radio Modern: Elvis Special at De Brakke Grond!
- Win two Salsa courses for beginners at Swing Latino in Amsterdam
- Win two double tickets to Rotterdam Museum Night!
- Win two double tickets to Darkstar at 5 Days Off!
- Win two double tickets to FITC Amsterdam!
- Win five double tickets for OBJECT Rotterdam!
- Win two double tickets to Art at the Warehouse!
- Win three double tickets for music, lecture and theatre events at De Brakke Grond
- Win five copies of 'The Amsterdam Confessions of a Shallow Man' by Simon Woolcot
- Win 13 double tickets to New Year's Eve 2013 parties
- Win a Dutch course at Leiden University’s Language Centre
- Win three copies of 'How to be Orange' by Greg Shapiro
- Win two double tickets to The Wonderful World of Ordinary People film festival
- Win four double tickets to Toneelgroep Amsterdam performances with English surtitles
- Win two double tickets to 'The Anatomy Lesson' exhibition
- Win four double tickets to events at Amsterdam's MC Theater
- Win three double tickets for music, theatre and dance events at De Brakke Grond
- Win a Conversation Plus course at Direct Dutch
- Win five double tickets to Delft Museum Night 2013
- Win two double tickets to ADE 2013 x Lumberjacks in Hell party at Doka Amsterdam
- Win thee double tickets to 'Greg Shapiro presents Brendon Burns' comedy tour