World Storytelling Day

World Storytelling Day

Mar 26, 2022
The Hague
Free, with reservation

World Storytelling Day is a global celebration, where individual storytelling events across the world coordinate on a shared theme. 

Each year on World Storytelling Day, as many people as possible gather together and stories are told throughout the day and night, continuing a tradition that is much older than written record. Although getting together face-to-face is still a little tricky due to COVID-19, that doesn’t stop World Storytelling Day from reaching people in all corners of the globe!

World Storytelling Day 2022 online in the Netherlands

At the 2022 edition in the Netherlands, the Dutch International Storytelling Centre (DISC) is hosting an online World Storytelling Day event for locals and internationals, both young and old. Based in The Hague, this organisation operates in English and its events are therefore perfect for internationals and expats!

This year's edition follows the theme of Lost & Found, as storytellers rediscover some old classics to share with avid listeners from all around the world.

Storytelling meet-ups all year round with DISC

DISC has been holding regular workshops and "Online Storytelling Cafe" events, connecting international storytellers and curious listeners in The Hague and beyond during the pandemic. If you can't make it on March 26, you can always check out the other events on their Facebook page or their website.