IamExpat Fair Amsterdam
Want to buy a house in 2025? Want to enrol in Dutch class or grow your career in the Netherlands? Looking for a high-quality international school for your children? Attend the IamExpat Fair in Amsterdam on March 8, 2025, at the Beurs van Berlage, the meeting place for expats and local businesses!
The biggest expat fair in the Netherlands
Everything internationals need in one location, on one day! Book your tickets now!
At the IamExpat Fair, the biggest expat event in the Netherlands, internationals can find everything they need in one location, on one day! Browse the many stands and booths, pick up free goodies here and there, attend informative workshops and presentations and network with other expats and expat-friendly companies. All of this under one roof!
Running from 10am to 5pm, the IamExpat Fair Amsterdam 2025 will take place at a new location: the Beurs van Berlage. Located in the historic centre of Amsterdam, opposite the Central Station and around the corner from Dam Square, this monumental gem was designed as a commodity exchange by architect Hendrik Petrus Berlage and constructed between 1896 and 1903.
Many great reasons to be there
At the IamExpat Fair Amsterdam 2025 you can:
- Learn how to rent, buy property, and secure a mortgage in the Netherlands
- Meet recruiters, browse job vacancies and find out how studying an MBA can transform your career
- Attend educational workshops and presentations
- Discover expat-focused services and businesses
- Find the perfect Dutch language school
- Benefit from special offers only available at the IamExpat Fair
- Explore international schools, tutoring and educational opportunities for youth
What to expect at the IamExpat Fair
Attend educational workshops
Educational workshops and presentations will be running throughout the day, where industry insiders will be sharing their knowledge on how things work in the Netherlands. Attend workshops to help you learn Dutch, find out what Dutch employers are looking for, and get tips on the Dutch housing market. At the workshops, you'll have an opportunity to put all your questions to the experts
Exhibitors at the fair
From mortgage advisors to languages schools and tax advisors, there’s something for everyone at the IamExpat Fair. See all of the confirmed exhibitors.
Save the date
Save the date and visit the IamExpat Fair website for more information and to get your ticket! You can also stay up to date by joining the Facebook and Meetup event pages and checking out IamExpat on Instagram. On the day, it pays to get down there early: the first 2.000 visitors get a stylish tote bag!
- When: Saturday, March 8, 2025, from 10am until 5pm
- New Location: Beurs van Berlage, Damrak 243, 1012 ZJ, Amsterdam
- Tickets: Get your tickets now. Registration is required.