FRAME Lab: A festival of design innovation

FRAME Lab: A festival of design innovation

Feb 20, 2019Feb 21, 2019
Kromhouthal, Gedempt Hamerkanaal 231, 1021 KP

At Frame Lab, future-curious designers and architects, forward-thinking innovators, industry luminaries and visionary brands explore the future of spaces. Will you be one of them?

Explore the next space

In the future, how will we live, work, shop and relax? New technologies drive innovation at breakneck speed. How can we harness them to better address human needs and global issues? For two full days, Frame Lab is the global stage to explore what’s next in spatial design.


What to expect at Frame Lab

From building sustainably to the future of urban mobility, their four content tracks focus on the integration of tech in spatial design, catering to a wide range of interests and specialities.

Upskill with talks, panel discussions and workshops, alongside the best contemporary minds in spatial design. Witness content track briefings by Frame editors, experience live judging sessions and design your own Frame Lab journey. Activations, workshops and networking drinks throughout the event drive collaboration within the interior design industry.


Four topics, four tracks

From incorporating technology to fostering collaboration via the circular economy, Frame Lab 2019 has four content tracks so you can design your experience around your personal interests. Each track explores innovation in retail, hospitality, shows, institutions, work and residences through a combination of talks, workshops, and brand experiences.

Why Frame Lab?

  • Upskill by learning from industry experts as they discuss the world’s greatest spaces and witness masterclasses as you’ve never seen before.
  • Be invigorated by joining global industry leaders in lively discussions and intimate roundtables designed to fire up the conversation about the future of spaces.
  • Innovate through collaboration and expand your skill set by joining the wide range of workshops, addressing global interior design issues.
  • Connect with the world’s brightest design minds by visiting one of our networking events, mingle with like-minded people over a drink, a bite, or perspective on industry topics.
  • Get future-curious at the world’s only interior design event that devotes its focus to innovation in retail, hospitality, shows, institutions, work and residences.

Be part of the catalyst for the future of interior design. Be part of Frame Lab: The Next Space. Get your Frame Lab tickets now. 
