
't Gooi Estate Rentals

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't Gooi Estate Rentals

Transparent, trustful and experienced!

‘t Gooi Estate Rentals consists of two professionals familiar with all the pitfalls of renting properties. Marie-José has been working for sixteen years at an established NVM-office in Hilversum. Of which ten years at the rental department.

All good and bad experiences she explored, mapped and reflected into a new formula. ‘t Gooi Estate rentals is a professional rental real estate agent. But she is not running the business on her own.

Sanny Bijvoet is a real estate specialist pur sang as well. Her granddad and also her brother are real estate agents. My family story of success is: take care of your customers and they will come back. ‘t Gooi Estate Rentals is growing steadily without advertising, customers do word of mouth publicity.


+31(0)35- 888 4990