
The Netherlands drops in HSBC's Expat Explorer Survey ranking

The Netherlands drops in HSBC's Expat Explorer Survey ranking

British bank HSBC has released their annual Expat Explorer Survey. In 2016, the Netherlands has dropped three places to number 15 of the most desirable places worldwide for expats to reside.   

The survey

HSBC’s Expat Explorer Survey is in its ninth year. It included a total of 26.871 expats across 190 different countries.

The survey aimed to track happiness as well as comparing economic and family benefits such as finance, healthcare, schools, and quality of living to get a well-rounded overall view of the expat experience for each country.

The Netherlands

In 2015, the Netherlands performed far better reaching number 12. However, despite falling three places, the Netherlands has seen some improvement overall.

In terms of its economy and family life, the country performed much better in 2016. For example, job security, life-work balance and the cost of raising children were rated far higher than Singapore, the winner of the Expat Explorer Survey.

For culture and social life however, the Netherlands performed poorly. So badly, it only made it to 42 in that category. It also ranked low in terms of disposable income and savings.

The top 15 expat countries 

1 Singapore 
2 New Zealand 
3 Canada 
4 Czech Republic 
5 Switzerland 
6 Norway 
7 Austria
8 Sweden
9 Bahrain 
10 Germany 
11 Australia 
12 United Arab Emirates 
13 Hong Kong 
14 Taiwan 
15 The Netherlands

To find out who else made it, visit the HSBC Expat Explorer Survey.

Kiri Scully


Kiri Scully

Raised a global citizen, to an Irish father and American mother, Kiri has lived and worked in five countries over three continents. Fuelled by culture curiosity at an early age,...

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