
Fewer people were murdered in the Netherlands in 2023

Fewer people were murdered in the Netherlands in 2023

In 2023, 128 people died in the Netherlands as a result of violent attacks -  a decrease of 14 compared to in 2022. For the second year in a row, Rotterdam has seen the most murders of all Dutch cities

26 women killed by their (ex-)partner in 2023

In 2023, 26 of these victims were women, killed by their partner or ex partner in cases of femicide. According to NOS, approximately 6 out of 10 murdered women are killed by a partner or former partner. 

The previous year, 2022, saw a significant increase in the number of murders in the Netherlands, and the numbers have fluctuated somewhat over the past decade. While overall since 2003 the murder rate in the Netherlands has trended downwards, 2017 and 2022 saw some of the highest numbers of murders and manslaughter in years. 

Police are unsure why the murder rate is falling again

The Dutch police are unsure why the murder rate in the Netherlands is falling once again. A police spokesperson told NOS "These are all isolated incidents," explaining that there is no strong trend that can be accounted for. 

Figures from Statistics Netherlands (CBS) show that it is rare for people to be killed by strangers in the Netherlands. In the case of women, the perpetrator is unknown to the victim in less than 1 in 10 cases. 




Emily Proctor

Former Editor at IamExpat Media.

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