
Dutch passport remains world's third strongest in Henley Passport Index

Dutch passport remains world's third strongest in Henley Passport Index

The Henley Passport Index for July 2024 has been released and the Netherlands has kept its position as having the third most powerful passport in the world, allowing citizens access to 191 countries without a visa. 

The Henley Passport Index 2024

Gathering data from 199 different passports and 227 different travel destinations, the Henley Passport Index determines which nationalities can travel to the most countries without a visa. While the official ranking is posted every January, it is updated quarterly to reflect changes in immigration legislation.

Based on exclusive data from the International Air Transport Authority (IATA), the index awards different passports one point for every country their holders can access without needing to apply for a visa before departure. On the other hand, for each country where a pre-arranged visa or pre-departure government approval is needed, the passport is given zero points.

Citizens of the Netherlands have third strongest passport in the world

In January 2024, the Dutch passport was ranked as the third most powerful in the world. In the newest version of the ranking, the Netherlands has remained in third place, sharing the position with Austria, Finland, Ireland, Luxembourg, South Korea and Sweden.  

The country with the strongest passport in the world according to the index is Singapore, with citizens allowed to travel to 195 countries without a visa. 

Strongest passports in the world 2024

According to the Henley Passport Index, these are the countries with the most powerful passports in the world, as of July 2024:

  1. Singapore (195)
  2. France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Spain (192)
  3. Austria, Finland, Ireland, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, South Korea, Sweden (191)
  4. Belgium, Denmark, New Zealand, Norway, Switzerland, United Kingdom (190)
  5. Australia, Portugal, Greece, Poland (188)

For more information and to see the full ranking, take a look at the Henley Passport Index.

Simone Jacobs


Simone Jacobs

Editor for the Netherlands at IamExpat Media. Simone studied Genetics and Zoology at the Univeristy of Pretoria in South Africa before moving to the Netherlands, where she has been working...

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