
Calculate your tax refund with Aangifte24

Calculate your tax refund with Aangifte24


Do you work in the Netherlands and would you like to know the amount of tax you will get back or have to pay? You'll be able to find many tax calculators online, but unfortunately, they do not take things such as partial residency in the Netherlands (M-form), or income obtained in other EU countries (90 percent rule) into account. In these cases, the calculation is pretty complicated.

But here's some good news: Aangifte24 offers a calculator which can help you solve this problem in a few simple steps, in your native language! And more good news: there is no fee required to access this handy calculator!

Aangifte24 makes completing a tax return in the Netherlands easier

" is an application that was created for expats working temporarily in the Netherlands. People who are not registered residents or do not speak Dutch have great difficulty in understanding the tax regulations and submitting a tax return to the Belastingdienst. This is why we developed a tool for them, which is available in eight languages and makes completing a tax return in the Netherlands easier,” says Lucas Kirstein,  CTO of

At the moment, the tax calculator is available in the following languages: English, German, Dutch, Russian, Polish, Czech, Greek, Croatian, Hungarian, Lithuanian, Romanian and Bulgarian.

How does it work?

So, how does this handy tax calculator from Aangifte24 work exactly? Well, after answering a few questions, a window will appear where you can enter data from the Jaaropgave. You will need to provide data such as your:

  • Income (loon)
  • Advance income tax payment (ingehouden loonbelasting)
  • Employee tax relief (arbeidskorting)

Example 1

Example 2

Then you will need to fill in the period of employment in the Netherlands and, in the next step, the income in other countries. Information about income is essential in order to determine eligibility for tax deductions, according to the 90 percent rule (non-resident taxpayer 90 percent rule).

Example 3

Example 4

If you want to calculate your entitlement to zorgtoeslag, this can also be done by providing the date from which you want to apply for the subsidy. At the end, the application presents the calculated amounts. If the data in the application is correctly filled in, the amount will be very close to the actual aanslag tax decision that you will receive from the Belastingdienst.

Example 5

Example 6

Aangifte24: Do your Dutch taxes the easy way

The increasing complexity of tax law in Europe and the Netherlands makes the calculation of your tax very complex. The tax calculator from Aangifte24 takes into account such variables as:

  • Heffingskorting - calculation according to days insured (Premie Volksverzekeringen)
  • Premie Deel and Belasting Deel - calculation of the tax relief depending on the 90 percent rule
  • Arbeidskorting - calculation of the tax relief based on the period of employment and the 90 percent rule
  • Insurance premiums - taking into account the exemption from contributions (A1 form from another EU country)
  • Combinatiekorting - child tax credit and calculation according to the period of employment.

File your tax return online

Naturally, the process does not end with the calculation. You can finish filling in the data in the calculator or go directly to sending your tax return to the tax office. If you decide to send your tax return, you will be asked for additional information such as your BSN number, home address, telephone number and other details. Conveniently, this is all done online! Calculate your tax refund with Aangifte24 now!



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