
Open a world of opportunities with a Berlitz intensive Dutch course

Open a world of opportunities with a Berlitz intensive Dutch course


Moving to a new country is an exciting adventure, especially in the vibrant and welcoming Netherlands. However, one of the biggest challenges expats face is navigating daily life without fluency in the local language. Speaking Dutch is not just about understanding the language; it's about embracing the culture, connecting with locals, and seizing new opportunities. This is where Berlitz's intensive courses come into play, offering a gateway to seamless integration into Dutch society.

Open a world of opportunities wih Berlitz

The advantage of speaking the local language

Learning Dutch opens doors to deeper cultural understanding and richer interactions with the people around you. While many Dutch people speak excellent English, there’s something special about speaking their language. It shows respect for their culture and can significantly enhance your social and professional relationships.

Whether you’re ordering een kopje koffie, negotiating a business deal, or chatting with neighbours, speaking Dutch can transform these everyday interactions into meaningful connections.

Step up your expat level

Berlitz understands that, as an expat, you’re looking to thrive, not just survive. Their tailored Dutch courses are designed to boost your confidence and improve your fluency at a pace that suits your lifestyle. With a focus on practical conversation skills, Berlitz courses ensure you can handle real-life situations with ease. From basic greetings to complex discussions, Berlitz equips you with the language tools you need to step up your expat game.

Improve your networking opportunities

In the Netherlands, networking is crucial for both personal and professional growth. Imagine the advantages of discussing business strategies or socialising with new contacts in their native language. Berlitz’s Dutch courses focus on business and social contexts, ensuring you can confidently navigate networking events, business meetings, and social gatherings. It’s the feeling of not being a foreigner abroad.

Get started with Berlitz

Berlitz Dutch courses are designed to help you unmute your voice, connect with locals, and fully embrace life in the Netherlands. Whether you’re a beginner or looking to polish your skills, Berlitz offers flexible learning options tailored to your needs. You can choose from a variety of courses, including individual in-person, online and intensive courses.



Free consultation

Ready to transform your expat experience? Get a free consultation today and take the first step towards your new expat journey with Berlitz. Open a world of opportunities and make your time in the Netherlands truly unforgettable.



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