
Stay international or go Dutch? Explore this primary school’s dual pathways

Stay international or go Dutch? Explore this primary school’s dual pathways


As an international family settling into life in the Netherlands, one of the most critical decisions you’ll face is choosing the right educational path for your child. The Dutch educational system offers several avenues, each with its own unique advantages. However, if you're uncertain about the length of your stay, or if a short-term move has turned into a longer one, this decision becomes more complex.

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Dual pathways

At Optimist International School, they understand these challenges and strive to give families the freedom to choose the educational path that best suits their situation. Besides their International Programme, they have introduced a Dutch Enrichment Programme (DEP) in their upper primary years. Their dual pathways are designed to provide flexibility, whether your family plans to stay in the Netherlands long-term or is unsure about future relocation.

Why choose the International Programme

The International Programme runs from group 1-7 and prepares for international secondary education. Most learning is in English and approximately 15 percent in Dutch. This pathway is ideal for families who may move between countries or prefer an internationally-focused education, ensuring consistency and quality in their child’s learning experience.

Why choose the Dutch Enrichment Programme?

Some students struggle to adapt to the Dutch language when transitioning to Dutch secondary (bilingual) schools. Optimist International’s Dutch Enrichment Programme, an alternative programme for their upper primary running from group 6-8, is specifically designed for children and families who wish to immerse themselves more deeply in the Dutch language and culture.

While learning is in English and Dutch, gradually more Dutch is added with an academic focus, preparing for a smoother transition into Dutch (secondary) education, and ensuring students have the linguistic and cultural tools they need to succeed.

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The science behind early language acquisition: Setting your child up for success

Why is early language acquisition so important? Research shows that early exposure to multiple languages can significantly enhance a child’s cognitive development, academic performance and cultural understanding. At Optimist International School, they recognise the importance of equipping their students with strong language skills from a young age. Their Dutch Enrichment Programme is designed not only to immerse students in the Dutch language but also to leverage the proven benefits of bilingual education.

By offering this specialised upper primary programme, they aim to ensure that their students are not only prepared for the linguistic challenges of Dutch secondary schools but are also developing the cognitive flexibility and cultural empathy that come with multilingualism. This approach supports their overall academic journey and prepares them for a future in an increasingly globalised world.

Embracing multilingualism: A language-friendly approach

Besides the flexibility of choice in educational programmes, Optimist International School celebrates every child’s home language, and their cultural identity is embraced. They are proud to be certified as a language-friendly school. This isn't just a title; it's a commitment to fostering an inclusive environment where linguistic diversity thrives.

Why does this matter? Research shows that multilingualism enhances cognitive development, improves academic performance, and fosters cultural empathy. The students (and teachers), who speak over 40 languages collectively, benefit from an enriched learning environment that prepares them for the global stage.

The school’s unique approach encourages students to maintain and develop their home languages while acquiring proficiency in English and Dutch. This dual-language support not only boosts academic success but also strengthens cultural identities. This approach can transform students' lives, providing them with the tools to succeed in a multicultural world.

As one parent shared: "It's not an ordinary school; it's an amazing place. My children spoke no English when they started, but they love it here. The caring teachers and the celebration of language diversity make all the difference. My kids are thriving; learning, growing, and making huge progress in English. As a parent, I couldn't have asked for more."

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A comprehensive approach: Small classes, well-being and specialist teachers

At Optimist International School, they believe that a well-rounded education goes beyond academics. The small class sizes ensure that each child receives personalised attention, allowing the dedicated teachers to cater to individual learning styles and needs. The students also benefit from the expertise of their specialist teachers in multilingualism, mathematics and physical education. This intimate learning environment fosters close relationships between students and teachers, creating a supportive community where every child can thrive.

The school places a strong emphasis on health and well-being, recognising that a child’s emotional and physical wellness is fundamental to their academic success. Their comprehensive approach includes a well-balanced curriculum that integrates physical education, mindfulness practices, and social-emotional learning.

Moreover, their specialist teachers bring a wealth of expertise to the classroom, offering enriched learning experiences in subjects such as maths, music, and physical education. This ensures that students receive a diverse and dynamic education, nurturing their talents and interests in a wide range of disciplines.

Discover the Optimist experience

Optimist International School invites you to experience first-hand what makes this school a special place for your child’s education. Book a tour of the school, visit one of the Open Days, or schedule an online call to learn more about their vibrant community and how they can support your child’s journey.

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