
Simplify your integration exam preparation with AI-powered courses

Simplify your integration exam preparation with AI-powered courses


Are you ready to pass your integration exam quickly and efficiently? Thanks to the latest upgrade of courses at, including AI support, preparing for the exam has never been easier or more effective!

The inburgering exam

To get permanent residence or a Dutch passport, you must prepare for the five key components of the inburgering exam: reading, listening, writing, speaking, and knowledge of Dutch society (KNM).

For 2025, A2 is the required language level to get permanent residency or a Dutch passport. The level will increase to B1 in the future, but the government has not yet announced exactly when this will happen. While it is unclear when the level may increase, beginning your course early ensures you will be well-prepared.

How AI transforms your learning experience

The reading, listening and KNM sections consist of multiple-choice questions, which are straightforward and easy for both learners and examiners to assess. The writing and speaking sections require more effort as they involve open-ended questions. But don’t worry! Thanks to new AI support in writing and speaking courses from Inburgering Online, it is now even easier to assess your work independently and see where you can improve your answers.

The writing and speaking courses from Inburgering Online have always been highly effective, with many students passing the exams with ease. However, AI is an excellent addition that enhances the learning process even further, making it easier than ever to learn Dutch. With this technology, you can:

  • Gain confidence in identifying and correcting your mistakes.
  • Learn how to give clear and effective answers.
  • Discover various ways to answer, while still making use of key language principles.

Features of the upgraded courses

See how personal correction through AI enhances your exam preparation.

The updated courses have so many great additions to make sure you can pass your integration exams easily, including: 

  • Lesson videos about the exam: Understand what examiners are looking for. This will help you meet the examiner’s expectations regarding key criteria such as grammar, vocabulary and structure.
  • Revision videos: In the videos, you can see how example exercises (with mistakes) are graded and corrected the same way an official examiner would do it. In the videos, you will also learn how to compare your own answers to the perfect answers provided below each exercise in the courses. Carefully analysing your own work and mistakes is the most effective way to improve.
  • Personal AI correction: Besides learning how to review your work as an official examiner would and how to compare your own work to the perfect sample answers, below each exercise there will be a personal AI-power correction of your speaking or writing work. This helps you fully understand how to answer correctly, identify possible mistakes, and experiment with alternative responses to strengthen your skills.

While you can use AI as a valuable tool, make sure you also continue to carefully review your work as instructed in the videos and really think about whether you understand the perfect answer. This approach ensures effective learning, helps you fully absorb the material, and allows you to learn the most from your mistakes.

Why choose Inburgering Online?

With Inburgering Online, you do not have to work through thick textbooks or boring courses. They offer a modern, efficient way to prepare, with interactive exercises and clear videos that you can follow at your own pace and time. With AI-powered tools, Inburgering Online makes passing your integration exam easier than ever.

Sign up today to discover how their innovative course can help you succeed!



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