
NGOs in the Netherlands

NGOs in the Netherlands

There are many NGOs (non-governmental) and nonprofit organisations in the Netherlands, both Dutch and international, for expats looking for a job or volunteer work. These include:

Name Sector / Field Location(s)
ACCESS Support for expatriates Amsterdam, The Hague
AFEW HIV / AIDS Amsterdam
AIESEC Youth leadership & Personal development The Hague
Basug Diaspora and Development Bangladesh support group The Hague
Bernard van Leer Foundation Childcare The Hague
CARE Nederland Poverty The Hague
CHI Child Helpline International Amsterdam
Clean Clothes Campaign Manufacturing Amsterdam
Cordaid Emergency aid & Poverty The Hague
Doctors Without Borders Healthcare Amsterdam
ECDPM European Centre for Development Policy Management Maastricht

Engineers without Borders NL



European Cultural Foundation Culture Amsterdam
Fair Wear Foundation Workplace conditions Amsterdam
Friends of the Earth Netherlands Environment Amsterdam
GHRD Global Human Rights Defence The Hague
Greenpeace Environment Amsterdam
HealthNet TPO Emergency aid & Healthcare Amsterdam
Hivos International development The Hague
IAVI HIV / AIDS Amsterdam
IUCN NL International Union for Conservation of Nature Amsterdam
Mercy Ships Holland Healthcare Rotterdam
NCDO Sustainable development Amsterdam
Oxfam Novib Poverty The Hague
PAX Peace initiatives Utrecht
PPW Career (Polish women) Amsterdam
Rutgers Sexual / Reproductive Health & Rights Utrecht
Simavi Healthcare Haarlem
SNV Development The Hague
Stichting Natuur en Milieu Environment Utrecht
Stichting Vluchteling Refugees The Hague
Strawberry Earth Environment Amsterdam
THP The Hague Process on Refugees and Migration The Hague
Unicef Netherlands Children The Hague
VCA Volunteerism support Amsterdam
VIA Peace Amsterdam
VluchtelingenWerk Nederland Refugees Amsterdam
Volunteer The Hague Volunteer vacancies in The Hague The Hague
Wemos Foundation Healthcare Amsterdam
Wild Geese Foundation Development Hilversum
World Granny Ageing Amsterdam
World Press Photo Photo journalism Amsterdam
WWF Environment Zeist


Intergovernmental organisations

UN, EU and intergovernmental organisations in the Netherlands include:

Name Location
ESA / ESTEC (European Space Research and Technology Centre) Noordwijk
ICC (International Criminal Court) The Hague
ICJ (International Court of Justice) The Hague
ICTY (International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia) The Hague
OPCW (Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons) The Hague
STL (Special Tribunal for Lebanon) Leidschendam
UNESCO-IHE Institute for Water Education Delft

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