
Member of the Executive Board, also Vice-Rector Magnificus

Research / Academic

The Board of Governors of Tilburg University

is searching for a Member of the Executive Board, also Vice-Rector Magnificus

Application until 31st of March, 2025

Download the full profile, Dutch and English text available.

The Board of Governors of Tilburg University is assisted in this procedure by Pieter Cortenbach.


In 2027, Tilburg University will celebrate its centennial. Founded in 1927 as a Roman Catholic Trade College, Tilburg University, on the eve of its centennial, has grown into a thriving medium-sized multidisciplinary university focused on humanities and the social sciences. 

The Strategy Weaving Minds & Characters outlines what is needed to prepare the University for the future. Tilburg University - especially in the coming years and like other universities – faces a multitude of challenges, including: a changing financial context that demands focus and courageous choices and the impact of the social debate on internationalization. 

The substantive ambitions are high while a rapidly changing world, technological developments, geopolitical shifts, and social trends all impact education and research. This changing world is also felt on campus, including the interpretation of and relationship between academic freedom and academic responsibility. All this calls for a comprehensive organizational development. A development towards an effective, professional organizational culture, in which making decisions and achieving results in collaboration and solidarity are paramount, and an open learning attitude is self-evident. The operational management of the organization is in order but is also prepared for the challenges that the (near) future brings. These challenges will have an impact on the organization and its way of working. 

Tilburg University (including TIAS) has over 23,000 students (of which nearly 4,000 are international) and offers 73 Bachelor's and Master's degree programs, 35 of which are in English. The University has 2,800 employees (56% of whom are academic staff) and an annual budget of nearly €300 million. The University is largely housed on its own campus on the edge of Tilburg, with additional smaller locations in the center of Tilburg, Utrecht, and Den Bosch. 

Vacancy for Vice-Rector Magnificus

The portfolio of the Vice-Rector Magnificus includes at least the strategic research or education policies with an administrative focus on increasing the University's direct and indirect funding. Additional policy areas will be added in mutual consultation within the Executive Board and appropriate to the profile and experience of the prospective candidate.


The Vice-Rector Magnificus is a full professor at a Dutch or international university or, for example, an independent research institute with excellent academic credentials, has (inter)national leadership experience, and has a broad interest in the university's fields of science. The Vice-Rector Magnificus thus strengthens Tilburg University's profile as an international research-driven and student-centered University, with a strong identity, excellent research and education, and social impact. 

The Vice-Rector Magnificus is an internationally recognized and visible academic. Someone who understands the international nature of the disciplines, has been able to put his or her own discipline in the international scientific forefront, fosters an open culture that values good research practices, scientific integrity, and professional manners. Quality thinking second nature.

The new member of the Executive Board has proven to be able to give new impulses to research and contract funding (2e en 3e geldstroom) as well as to alternative funding for education. This is achieve, for example, by strengthening European institutional and funding collaborations with tangible results in the main EU research areas, securing large grants, or strengthening regional ecosystems— particularly in the field of the social sciences & humanities— or in life-long learning. The new Board member has the leadership qualities to (re)commit people to these strategic goals and seize the opportunities at the national level and within the EU.

The Vice-Rector Magnificus 

  • acts from authority and persuasion and communicates openly and transparently;
  • is energized by organizational change, knows how to make things concrete and is decisive;
  • has experience with the implementation of decisions in a complex environment of highly educated professionals;
  • is a team player par excellence, both in collaboration with colleagues in the Executive Board according to the principle of collegiality, and in collaboration with the (Vice-) Deans, the School and Division Directors within University Services as well as with the University Council;
  • has a keen eye for ensuring social safety and inclusion in the broad sense;
  • is eager and excited to identify with the profile and the values of Tilburg University and its employees and students;
  • has excellent communication skills in English and Dutch.

Salary Benefits:

The appointment is for a term of four years, with the possibility of reappointment. Terms of employment are subject to further negotiation, taking into account the current conditions of the Dutch Senior Executives in the Public and Semi-Public Sector (Standards for Remuneration) Act (WNT).

Salary and benefits | Tilburg University

Work Hours:

40 hours per week


Warandelaan 2