
PhD Optimal dynamic energy pricing under economic and network constraints

Research / Academic

Since its foundation in 1614, the University of Groningen has enjoyed an international reputation as a dynamic and innovative center of higher education offering high-quality teaching and research. Belonging to the best research universities of Europe and joining forces with prestigious partner universities and networks, the University of Groningen is truly an international place of knowledge.

FEBRI, the graduate school and research institute of the Faculty of Economics and Business has one multidisciplinary PhD position in the field of “Optimal dynamic energy pricing policies under economic and network constraints” available.

Project description

The energy market has witnessed a tremendous amount of challenges in the last years. Power grids have appeared unable to reliably keep the pace with technological, political and economic changes. Existing solutions are not enough to adequately address the challenges that have emerged. A successful energy transition requires a multidisciplinary approach. The aim of this project is to design optimal control mechanisms to stabilize the power grid using a challenging cross-disciplinary perspective. This requires taking into account both technical constraints as well as the incentives of firms and consumers. The interdisciplinary development of novel advanced power grid control schemes is a crucial contribution to the EU’s drive for clean-energy transition.

The PhD position is embedded in the Wubbo Okkels School for Energy and Climate at the University of Groningen, and is funded by the Ubbo Emmius Foundation. This project is a multidisciplinary endeavour between the Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) and the Faculty of Science and Engineering (FSE). The project will be jointly supervised by Prof. M.A. Haan, Dr O.V. Iftime (both at Department of Economics, Econometrics & Finance, FEB) and Prof. S. Trenn (System, Control and Optimization group, Bernoulli Institute for Mathematics, Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence, FSE ). The PhD candidate will be located at FEBRI, the graduate school of FEB.

For more information on this specific project, you may contact any of the three supervisors Prof. M.A. Haan (, Dr O.V. Iftime ( or Prof. S. Trenn (


The ideal candidate is ambitious, highly motivated and wishes to make a career in research. He or she has a thorough training in research skills, a strong mathematical background, speaks and writes English fluently and has obtained excellent results in the Master phase.

The PhD candidate should have a background (MSc, Research Master) in applied mathematics, econometrics, economics, systems and control or in a related field and with knowledge or sound interest in one or more of the following fields: modelling and simulation of dynamical systems, economics, mathematical control theory and/or related topics.

Salary Benefits:

We offer you in accordance with the Collective Labour Agreement for Dutch Universities:

- A gross monthly salary from a minimum of € 2,872, which increases yearly to a maximum of € 3,670.

- Based on the gross salary an additional 8% holiday allowance each year in May, and an additional 8.3 % end of year bonus in December.

- A temporary full-time appointment for a period of four years, under the condition of a positive assessment at the end of the first year. PhD candidates contribute 20% of their time to teaching in years 2-4.

Starting date: preferably per February 1, 2025 at the latest

Work Hours:

38 hours per week


Broerstraat 5