
PhD Position Improving the Quantification and Mitigation of the Climate Impact of Aviation Contrails by Use of Observational Data

Research / Academic

Contrails are the line-shaped clouds that trail behind aircraft because of mixing of the warm, moist engine exhaust with the colder, drier ambient air. Under the right conditions, these clouds can persist for multiple hours and spread into large decks of contrail cirrus, which are currently estimated to have a climate impact comparable to that of aviation-emitted CO2. Several mitigation pathways are being explored, such as the use of alternative fuels and changes in aircraft routing. Especially the latter option, which would involve routing aircraft around ice supersaturated regions, could be a short-term solution to eliminate a large portion of aviation’s climate impact. However, these approaches are currently limited by the accuracy of weather predictions and contrail models. The objective of the thesis is to utilize observational data of contrails, such as satellite images, to further quantify the capabilities of these models and improve them where possible.
We are looking for a highly motivated PhD candidate to push forward the state-of-the-art in aircraft contrail observations and their usage in improving models. You will do this in the following ways:

  • Develop methods for the observations of contrails using remote sensing instruments such as satellite sensors and ground-based cameras.
  • Use observational data to quantify the performance of existing modeling. techniques as well as their improvement, by methods such as data assimilation
  • Explore the implications of model and observation errors on policy and legislation aiming to reduce aviation’s climate impact.


  • Master’s degree in Aerospace Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Atmospheric Science or a related field.
  • Excellent analytical, problem-solving, and communication skills.
  • Strong proficiency in programming and software development, with experience in Python but preferably other languages as well.
  • Experience with machine learning and data analysis would be a plus.
  • Experience in working with uncertainty, such as through Monte-Carlo analyses, would be a plus.

Doing a PhD at TU Delft requires English proficiency at a certain level to ensure that the candidate is able to communicate and interact well, participate in English-taught Doctoral Education courses, and write scientific articles and a final thesis. For more details please check the Graduate Schools Admission Requirements.

Salary Benefits:

Doctoral candidates will be offered a 4-year period of employment in principle, but in the form of 2 employment contracts. An initial 1,5 year contract with an official go/no go progress assessment within 15 months. Followed by an additional contract for the remaining 2,5 years assuming everything goes well and performance requirements are met.
Salary and benefits are in accordance with the Collective Labour Agreement for Dutch Universities, increasing from € 2770 per month in the first year to € 3539 in the fourth year. As a PhD candidate you will be enrolled in the TU Delft Graduate School. The TU Delft Graduate School provides an inspiring research environment with an excellent team of supervisors, academic staff and a mentor. The Doctoral Education Programme is aimed at developing your transferable, discipline-related and research skills.
From 1 September next, a salary increase of 3.7% applies due to a Collective Agreement amendment, followed by an additional 1% increase on 1 January 2025. In addition, most employees employed on 1 September 2024 will receive a one-off payment of €300 gross based on full-time employment.
The TU Delft offers a customisable compensation package, discounts on health insurance, and a monthly work costs contribution. Flexible work schedules can be arranged. 
For international applicants, TU Delft has the Coming to Delft Service. This service provides information for new international employees to help you prepare the relocation and to settle in the Netherlands. The Coming to Delft Service offers a Dual Career Programme for partners and they organise events to expand your (social) network.

Work Hours:

36 - 40 hours per week


Mekelweg 2