
New: Setting up a company in the Netherlands with online verification!

New: Setting up a company in the Netherlands with online verification!


 Set up your company online with House of Companies 

Entrepreneurs that are planning to start a business in the Netherlands, but are currently not able to visit, are in luck!

In collaboration with notaries, House of Companies is the first formation agent in the Netherlands to offer the possibility to set up a new company entirely online, even for non-residents.

As reliable as physical identification

The problem so far was that starting entrepreneurs had to physically visit the notary to confirm their identity. Alternatively, House of Companies has developed an online identification tool.

The tool provides instant validation of facial biometrics between ID document and a photo or selfie captured on a smartphone, tablet or webcam, and it recognises passport data to verify the authenticity. Aside from the identification of the customer, the tool also performs sanction and PEP checks on each individual involved in the formation.

Notaries are now convinced that this is as reliable as physical identification.

Development of online verification procedures in EU countries

The EU has taken steps towards digitisation and facilitating entrepreneurship. On July 31, 2019, the EU directive came into force, which obliges the member states to make the establishment of BVs 100% online possible for the European entrepreneur within 2 years. In addition, the entire life cycle of the BV must be made digital. Printing and signing Chamber of Commerce forms will (hopefully) also be a thing of the past.

These are the most important (expected) changes for (global) entrepreneurs:

  • Identification can be performed online. 
  • Costs may not be increased, to cover the technological innovations required. 
  • Quick formation process: Member States must ensure that the entire establishment can be carried out online. This must ensure that the BV can be established within five working days.
  • Model Formation Deed: As of 2021, the European governments must publish uniform model deeds that notaries can use for their (online) creation. The models should be developed in consultation with other Member States so that they can also be enforced in cross-border situations.
  • Keeping the company in good standing with online tools: From August 2021, it should be possible for European entrepreneurs to set up a BV 100% online, without a face-to-face appointment. In addition, all changes to the BV must also be able to be carried out online. Dutch entrepreneurs can already (largely) do this via the KvK website or House of Companies

About House of Companies

Headquartered in Breda, the Netherlands, House of Companies is a corporate service provider fully focused on non-resident SME companies and Startups. They specialise in supporting and guiding entrepreneurs from all over the world to set up and grow their companies in the Netherlands.

Contact House of Companies

For more information, contact House of Companies via phone at +31 63 851 5956 or via email at



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