How VoIP services expand international business horizons
The Zadarma Project, an international company providing telecommunication services since 2006, explains the benefits of VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) tech.
The growing popularity of business internet phone systems (VoIP) is one of the most striking features of the 21st-century telecom scene. Without a doubt, the international business opportunities VoIP generates go a long way to explaining why firms find it so appealing. This article explores some of the key advantages of VoIP over traditional phone systems for businesses seeking to exploit new overseas market opportunities.
Landline international calls are too expensive
Traditional landline phone systems demand heavy investment in fixed equipment and wiring in their initial set up. Their costs continue to mount with regular maintenance and upgrade requirements. The landline phone service providers need to cover their costs and return a reasonable profit to their shareholders. Therefore, they are forced to pass on their high operating expenses to their customers through high international call rates.
While the largest firms have the funds to easily cover these international telecom expenses, this is not the case with the smallest of firms. When landline phone calls were the only practical telecom option, small firms were at a distinct disadvantage in markets where they would need to regularly make many international calls to attract and support their customer base.
VoIP dramatically cuts international call rates
Underlying the economic foundation of VoIP services is the technological fact that they operate over the existing internet infrastructure. Firms do not need to invest in any special equipment to use VoIP phone systems – all they need to have is an internet connection.
As VoIP does not require the huge investment in fixed equipment and wiring that landline networks do, the expenses VoIP providers need to cover are much lower. This enables them to cut call rates dramatically, yet still make fair profits.
This spread of VoIP services is making international business easily affordable, even to the smallest of firms. There is no need to spend a small fortune installing and running a PBX anymore and paying much more than local rates for every international call.
Even a one-man (or one woman) business can now download a quality cloud PBX free of charge. This cloud PBX provides all the advanced telecom options previously only available to companies who could pay for first-rate landline PBXs. For example, cloud PBXs support incoming call forwarding, voice menus (IVR) and many other useful business telecom features.
Opening up international virtual offices
Prior to the development of VoIP virtual phone numbers, setting up an office in another country required renting premises and staff. Once again, only the best-financed firms could afford to take on such ventures.
Today, anyone can easily and quickly open a virtual office in major commercial centres across the world. The local customers pay the same amount for calling the virtual phone numbers as they do for calls to regular phone numbers within that country. They come away with a positive impression of a business that cares enough about its customers to open up a local office.
However, the firm owning the virtual number takes these foreign customer calls at their headquarters using existing call centre staff. The savings in costs add up to a considerable amount, in addition to the profits that come from penetrating new overseas markets.
Internet phone services take up the international trade challenge
The world’s top VoIP service providers are well attuned to the demands of their growing international business clientele. They appreciate how important it is to maintain line quality by only using premium call routes, and continually expanding the range of countries covered and the number of telecom features available.
As internet phone services continue to expand, a growing number of businesses are becoming convinced that they cannot afford to ignore the opportunities that VoIP opens up for them to expand their trade into new foreign markets .
The Zadarma Project has been a leading European VoIP service provider for over 13 years. They now offer over 30.000 virtual phone numbers in 150 cities around the world, with a set-up of just five minutes. They've recently introduced a specially designed free CRM integrated with their VoIP system.
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