
15.000 extra jobs in The Hague

In an effort to boost employment, the Municipality of The Hague plans to create an additional 15.000 jobs by 2020.

The priorities of the Economische Visie 2012 programme, part of "The Power of Quality - Economic Vision for The Hague" (De Kracht van Kwaliteit - Economische Visie Den Haag), the plan that describes the strategy for developing the city’s economy for the long term that was passed by The Hague Municipal Council earlier, are:
› Attracting international companies and organisations
› Promoting the innovative cluster of Security
› Attracting people working in the knowledge economy
› More economic development in the neighbourhoods
› Increasing spending in Centrum and Scheveningen
› Attracting conferences
› Making the economy more sustainable

Note that the Municipality of The Hague will inject an extra 20 million euros into the local economy during the current administration (2010-2014) to make "living, working and spending free time in The Hague as attractive as possible."

"Despite the economic crisis The Hague needs to be as attractive as possible to new and existing companies. This means that businesses and organisations must literally and figuratively have the space to do business. Only then can companies grow and hire additional staff," according to Deputy Mayor Henk Kool (Social Affairs, Employment and Economy).

Source: Municipality of The Hague



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