
Bronovo: the hospital for quality expat care


"What is the standard of healthcare here?" This is one of the first questions people ask when they move to the Netherlands.

Well, you can rest assured: in 2013 the Dutch healthcare was rated the best in Europe for the third year in a row by the Euro Health Consumer Index.

Are you surprised? You shouldn’t be!

Netherlands has highest health score

In May 2014, during one of the frequent expat information meetings held at Bronovo Hospital on the Dutch healthcare system, lung specialist Henk Berendsen explained the Euro Health Consumer Index results.

"Health Consumer Powerhouse, the leading European provider of consumer information on healthcare, compared in their study the various European healthcare systems.

"Researchers looked at pharmaceuticals, prevention, outcomes (results of medical treatment), accessibility and patient rights and information. The Netherlands scored the highest across the board."

Features of Dutch healthcare

Continuing, Berendsen said: "Some expatriates may be surprised by this result. They miss, for example, valet parking at Dutch hospitals. Or they do not like the fact that male and female patients share hospital rooms in the Netherlands.

"I sometimes also hear that Dutch care providers use far more direct language than that which patients are used to in their home countries. Similar issues of service and culture, however, are separate from the substantive quality of care provided."

Everyone living in the Netherlands is entitled to the highest quality of care, regardless of whether the patient is affluent or entirely without means.

"Some expats are simply not accustomed to that [egalitarianism]," explains Bronovo Hospital’s Finance and Control manager Bert van den Hurk.

"In their own country they usually attend private clinics where they receive extra luxury services - but at a significantly higher price. That is not possible in the Dutch healthcare system, because all Dutch citizens have basic insurance and are entitled to the same quality of care."

Expert care at Bronovo

The Euro Health Consumer Index rated the general standard across the Netherlands as very high, but Bronovo Hospital in The Hague aims further, offering some of the highest quality healthcare in the country.

bronovo hospital expats hague

Bronovo has many years of experience in helping and treating expats. The hospital has traditionally treated a relatively large number of expats, due to the many embassies, international organisations and international companies and associations located in The Hague.

Extra services at Bronovo

Due to that experience, Bronovo Hospital is further prepared to provide as many of the same desired services as it can.

For instance, the hospital offers valet parking for patients and visitors. It also takes into account, as much as possible, the patient’s desire to share a room with persons of the same sex.

Van den Hurk added that, looking further, "We would like to consult with national and international insurers on ways to provide extra services for expats, such as top hotel service."

Expat meetings at Bronovo Hospital

Bronovo also organises regular information meetings for expats during which the characteristics of the Dutch healthcare system are highlighted, such as those mentioned above.

Contact Details

There are three expat experts in Bronovo Hospital to help expats find their way in the Dutch healthcare system and Bronovo itself:

 Nanda Jagusiak - Expat and informational meetings and events

Anneke van Kooten - General healthcare information (e.g. maternity care in Bronovo)
Phone: +31 (0)70- 312 40 16 (workdays from 8am to 4:30pm)

Deborah van Warmenhoven - Insurance and financial issues
Phone: +31 (0)70 312 41 80 or (070) 312 41 80 (Monday, Wednesday & Friday)



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