
10 tips for staying productive during quarantine

10 tips for staying productive during quarantine

Wondering how to get more done during this time at home? Tania Pescador, fashion & lifestyle blogger, gives us some easy tips on how to stay productive while quarantined.

How’s everyone doing during quarantine? It really is still hard to believe the unprecedented times we are living in.

At the start of the quarantine, I thought, “Oh no! What am I going to do with all this time at home?” But so far, I haven’t had a dull moment! We made a long list of things to do around the house that kept us busy and, since the “intelligent lockdown” rules in the Netherlands have been extended until April 28, I am making a plan to make sure I stay active and invest this time wisely.

Being productive at home

I know that not being able to go out, see friends, go to the gym, etc. can be really daunting. It can affect your mood and productivity and lead you to spend your days on the couch binge-watching Netflix. Hey nothing wrong with that, but in the long run, and after this period is done (hopefully soon), you may regret you didn’t use your time in a more positive way.

Think of three things that you’ve been wanting to do or learn but, because of lack of time or motivation, you’ve left aside. Maybe you’ve been wanting to start writing, learn a new skill, try a new recipe (If you need some inspiration, check Skillshare, where you can find lots of online courses). Whatever it is, this is your chance to make it happen! So, here are some tips to help you make the most out of your time at home.


1. Get a morning routine

Create a morning ritual, like making a cup of tea right away to re-hydrate, doing a few stretches or playing a happy song; anything that can help you set the tone for your day and that you can do on a regular basis. Avoid snoozing and try to wake up every day at the same time, your internal clock will thank you. Furthermore, and I say this all the time, avoid looking at your phone first thing in the morning, take a few minutes to check in with yourself and then you can check what the rest of the world is doing.

2. Clean your space

Having a neat, clutter-free working space and home will instantly calm you down and reduce distractions. So, if by now you haven’t already cleared out all your cupboards, this is the time! Make your home the place that gives you energy.

3. Make a plan (Schedule your day & week)

Start by making a list of the things you want to achieve in the following weeks and have that list somewhere visible. Now that you have a general overview of things that you want to get done, get specific! When are you going to do it? What do you need? Sort your tasks per relevancy and make a daily and weekly plan. Make sure you scratch those completed to-do’s, it feels so good! 

4. Take breaks

Make sure to take time to rest, take a coffee break in the sun or a walk around the neighbourhood (if you can still go out). You will come back with fresh energy to complete your activities.

5. Reduce your social media and news consumption

It is good to stay informed about the developments of the pandemic, however, overconsumption of this news can lead you to feel depressed and overwhelmed. Also, stay away from comparing yourself to others and how they are spending their quarantine time. Focus on yourself and the things you want to achieve. Use technology to your favour, and turn off all those unnecessary notifications from social media and news feeds.

6. Eat healthily

Getting the right fuel into your body will help you feel energized. Fill your fridge up with fruits, veggies, nuts and seeds. Stay clear of junk food and refined sugars; paying extra special attention to your diet during these days in which we are more sedentary than ever, is super important.


7. Exercise

Make time to work out regularly. So many gyms, yoga and pilates studios are currently offering free online classes, take advantage of that! Doing physical activity will help you feel happier and energized.

8. Meditate

Learning how to quiet your mind is incredibly powerful. It can help us to eliminate negative thoughts, worries and anxiety. Plus, it has great benefits in terms of productivity as it helps with focus and better sleep. If you don’t know where to start, there are apps like Headspace and InsightTimer that offer free guided meditation sessions. 

9. Stay in touch with friends and family

Social isolation doesn’t mean that you can’t be close to those you love. Staying (digitally) together is easier than ever before! Schedule regular calls with friends, family and colleagues. Make it fun, have digital Friday drinks and play some games!

10. Dress up for yourself

Dressing up a bit rather than staying in your PJ’s or chill clothes the whole day can be such a mood booster. So take a shower, put on some nice clothes and start your day fresh.

Get up and at it!

No more procrastination, this is a perfect time to get things done! What are your plans for the coming weeks? Leave your comments below.

Tania Pescador


Tania Pescador

Tania is passionate about marketing & communications. Blogger at - - Sharing environmentally friendly style, travel and lifestyle tips. Originally from Mexico, she's been living in Amsterdam for the...

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Lokesh Agrawal 14:42 | 2 May 2020

Do read this blog below to find more tips and ideas to make your quarantine productive