How much do you know about the Netherlands? Here is a list of useful facts and statistics:
- Head of State: King Willem-Alexander
- Type of state: Constitutional monarchy
- Seat of government: The Hague
- Capital: Amsterdam
- Voting: not compulsory
Province - Provincial capital
- Groningen - Groningen
- Friesland - Leeuwarden
- Drenthe - Assen
- Overijssel - Zwolle
- Gelderland - Arnhem
- Utrecht - Utrecht
- North Holland - Haarlem
- South Holland - The Hague
- Zeeland - Middelburg
- North Brabant - s’Hertogenbosch
- Limburg - Maastricht
- Flevoland - Lelystad
Geography of the Netherlands
- Forested land: 11,1% of total surface area
- Arable land: 21,96% of total surface area
- Total land surface area: 33.948 square km
- Including water surface area: 41.526 square km
- Belgium borders: 407 km
- Germany borders: 556 km
- North Sea coastline: 642 km
Population of the Netherlands
- Population: 16,5 million
- "Non-Western" non-natives: 1,8 million
- “Western” non-natives: 1,44 million
- Immigrants: 143.000
- Countries of origin of immigrants: EU countries and returning Dutch citizens
- Emigrants: 116.000
- Countries of origin of asylum seekers: mostly Iraq, Somalia and China
Income & Labour stats
- Average income (in euros): 31.000 net
- Labour force: 7,714 million
- Unemployment: 320.000 (4,5% - March 2009)
- Number of job vacancies: 200.000 (decreasing)
- Income distribution: 25,1%
- Population below poverty line: 10,5%
- Public dept: 45,5% of GDP
Other stats and figures
- Number of households: 7,24 million
- Average life expectancy: 78 years (men) and 82 years (women)
- Average age: 38,7
- Religion: 6 out of 10 persons profess to being religious
- Healthy to very healthy: 81%
- Population density: 481,7 people per square km
- Cars: 383 per 1.000 people
- Walking in dark (perception of safety): 81%
- Prisoners: 112 per 100.000 people
- Daily smokers: 32%
- Broadband subscribers: 4,1 million
- Internet users: 15 million
- Happiness level (quite happy): 55%
- Happiness level (very happy): 40%
- Not proud of their nationality: 23%
- Very proud of their nationality: 23%
- Will fight for country: 69%
- Trust people: 54%
- Household with TV: 99,42%
- Mobile phones: 72,24 per 100 people
- Age at first marriage: 30,7 (men) & 28,3 (women)
- Average size of households: 2,3
- Birth rate: 10,53 births per 1.000 people
- Death rate: 8,71 deaths per 1.000 people
- Divorces: 39,3 per 100 marriages